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青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院导师:吴占超 正文

导师姓名 吴占超


年龄 1980.1

职称 副教授

学历(学位) 博研(博士)

所属院系 化学与分子工程学院

导师类别 硕士生导师


招生专业 应用化学、环境化学、无机化学、有机化学

研究方向 废水治理材料、发光材料与纳米材料

联系方式 15806594068,email: wuzhan_chao@163.com


学习研究经历、主要研究方向,取得主要成果、完成及承担的主要科研项目等。(300字左右)     2007年6月毕业于中山大学获理学博士学位,2007年7月来青岛科技大学工作。现为资源化学与应用校级重点实验室副主任。   研究方向包括:   (1)重金属废水处理材料的合成与性能研究。(2)白光LED用发光材料的研究与开发。在国际国内重要期刊发表科研论文25篇,其中14篇为SCI收录,2篇为EI收录。   目前主持的科研项目有:   (1)国家自然科学基金,“金属离子印迹磁性壳聚糖纳米球的制备及其废水处理机理研究(21007029,19万元)”。   (2)国家重点实验室开放基金,“铅印迹磁性壳聚糖纳米球的制备及其对矿山含铅废水的处理研究(GPMR201010,5万元)”。   (3)青岛科技大学博士科研启动基金,“Eu2+掺杂荧光粉及其LED器件稳定性研究(400-0022348,3万元)”。   主要代表论文(截至2011年12月)   1. Lai-Shi Zhao, Jie Liu, Zhan-Chao Wu*, Shao-Ping Kuang*,Optimized photoluminescence of SrB2O4: Eu3+ red-emitting phosphor by charge compensation,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012, 87: 228-231   2. Shaoping Kuang, Zhanchao Wu, Laishi Zhao, Accumulation and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils around oil sludge in Zhongyuan oil field, China, Environ Earth Sci, 2011, 64: 1353-1362.   3. Jie Liu, Xiang-De Wang, Zhan-Chao Wu*, Shao-Ping Kuang*,Preparation, characterization and photoluminescence properties of BaB2O4: Eu3+ red phosphor,Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2011, 79: 1520– 1523.   4. Zhan-Chao Wu, Jie Liu, Wan-Guo Hou*, Jie Xu, Meng-Lian Gong, A new single-host white-light-emitting BaSrMg(PO4)2: Eu2+ phosphor for white-light-emitting diodes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 498: 139-142.   5. Zhanchao Wu*, Jie liu, Menglian Gong and Qiang Su, Optimization and temperature-dependent luminescence of LiBaPO4: Eu2+ phosphor for near-UV light-emitting diodes,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2009, 156(3): H153-H156   6. J. Liu, Z. Wu*, M. Gong, Thermally stable luminescence of blue LiSrPO4: Eu2+phosphor for near-UV light-emitting diodes,Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics, 2008, 93: 583-587   7. Zhanchao Wu*, Jie Liu, Menglian Gong, Thermally stable luminescence of SrMg2(PO4)2: Eu2+ phosphor for white light NUV light-emitting diodes, Chemical Physics Letters, 2008 466(1-3): 88-90   8. Zhanchao Wu, Jie Liu, Qingjie Guo, Menglian Gong, A Novel Blue-green-emitting Phosphor LiBaPO4:Eu2+ for White Light-emitting Diodes,  Chemistry Letters, 2008, 37(2): 190-191   9. Zhanchao Wu, Jianxin Shi, Jing Wang, Menglian Gong, Qiang Su, Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+ Blue-green-emitting Phosphor for White LEDs.Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics, 2008, 19: 339-342   10. Zhanchao Wu, Menglian Gong, Jianxin Shi, Qiang Su, Comparative investigation on synthesis and luminescence of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+ applied in InGaN LEDs. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 458(1-2): 134-137   11. Z.C Wu, J.X Shi, J. Wang, M.L Gong, Q. Su, Nanosized LiSrPO4:Eu2+ Phosphor with Blue-emission Synthesized by the Sol-gel Method. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 103(2-3): 415-418   12. Zhanchao Wu, Menglian Gong, Jianxin Shi, Gang Wang, Qiang Su, Dibarium magnesium diphosphate yellow phosphor applied in InGaN-based LEDs. Chemistry Letters, 2007, 36(3): 410   13. Z.C Wu, J.X Shi, H Wu, M.L Gong, Q. Su, Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ Green-emitting Phosphor for White LED. Materials Letters, 2006, 60(29-30): 3499-3501 14. Z.C Wu, J.X Shi, J Wang, M.L Gong, Q. Su, A Novel Blue-emitting Phosphor LiSrPO4:Eu2+ for White LEDs. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2006, 179(8): 2356-2360

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