
发布时间:2022-05-10 编辑:高招帮小莉




  • 院校代码:4132013962
  • 主管部门:江苏省教育厅
  • 所在省市:江苏省 - 苏州
  • 办学层次:中外合作办学 - 专科
  • 985:否;211:否 ;双一流:否
  • 重点学科:
  • 硕士点数: 博士点数:
  • 全国排名:
  • 创建时间:2005年
  • 占地面积:65.00(亩)
  • 学生人数:5千~1万人
  • 官方网站:www.scc.edu.cn
  • 高招网站:www.hkuspace.edu.cn/zh-CN/Default.aspx?ID=73
  • 联系电话:0512-65114511
  • 学校地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路一号





Suzhou Centennial College (SCC) was established through partnerships of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (SUST), Centennial College Canada (CC) and GEM Education Group founded by Mr. Lai Pin Yong, a Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia. SCC is China’s first Sino-foreign Joint College approved by the government of Jiangsu province and filed by Chinese Ministry of Education.

学校地处素有“西有硅谷,东有慧湖”之称的国家首个“高等教育国际化示范区”——苏州工业 园区独墅湖科教创新区。学校周边云集了牛津大学高等研究院(苏州)、苏州大学、西交利物浦大学 等30多所中外知名院校和中科院苏州纳米所、华为苏州研发中心、微软苏州研发中心等数十家科研机构,共享科教创新区提供的公寓、邻里中心、图书馆、体育馆、影剧院等设施,具有和谐便利的人居环境。
SCC is located in Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District (SEID) - China’s Silicon Valley and the nation’s first Demonstration District of Internationalization in Higher Education. SCC is surrounded by more than 30 prestigious universities and over 10 world-renowned research institutions at home and abroad: Oxford Suzhou Center for Advanced Research, Suzhou University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), Huawei Suzhou R&D Center and Microsoft Research Center, just to name a few. All SCC students have access to the shared facilities in SEID such as accommodation, neighborhood center, library, sports center, and movie theater, etc. 

SCC strategically develops its academic programs by prioritizing engineering programs, incorporating engineering in o management programs, and integrating engineering and business programs. SCC boasts its 7 schools namely School of Engineering, School of Business, School of Art and Design, School of Education and Service, School of Liberal Arts, School of Continuing Education and School of Innovation and Start-up Business and it currently offers 22 programs respectively in the fields of Big Data Technology and Application, Cloud Computing Technology and Application, Software Engineering Technology, Intelligent Control Technology, E-Commerce, International Finance, International Trade,  Animation Production Technology, Architectural Design and Early Childhood Education, programs of which are in high demand by local industries and communities. Among the 22 programs offered at SCC, two are labeled as branded programs at provincial level and the other two at municipal level.

SCC features its good English speaking environment,well-developed industry-education integration, massive online teaching and multiple pathways to universities through adherence to its educational philosophy of ‘Internationalization,Specialization and Student Satisfaction’. SCC is committed to helping its students improve English proficiency and acquire essential employability skills to become truly global citizens and skilled workforce. 

About 90% of SCC teaching faculty hold master’s degrees or above, among which 50% have overseas education background. Therefore, SCC faculty are able to deliver courses bilingually or in English. With international students taking up to one fifth of total student population on campus, SCC offers a variety of extracurricular activities to accommodate students’ individual needs in learning English, such as English Club, English Competition for Fun, Talent Show, Drama Club, Public Relations Club, Globetrotters Club, English Enhancement Program and Writing Lab.

学校在工业互联网、人工智能、智能制造等新技术领域,通过专业共建形式开展校企合作;作为校企合作的典范,“百年-宜科工业互联网实训基地”被工业互联网产业联盟认定为全国首批五家实训基地之一;规划新建的大型产教融合实训基地,将引入各类企业形成场景化实训模式。学校努力推进从“教学生知识技能”到“教学生获取知识技能方法”的教育理念变革,创立特有的“MOOC/SPOC + 远程课堂”混合教学模式,在全球范围内聘请教授和工程师远程授课或开设讲座,逐渐形成线上线下“双课堂、双校园”。
SCC develops its college-business cooperation through joint development of programs in the fields of industrial internet, artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing with contextualized skills training. As a model of School-Enterprise cooperation, "SCC-Elco Industrial Internet Laboratory " was identified as one of the first five training bases in China by the Industrial Internet Industry Alliance.By incorporating blended learning approaches of MOOC/ SPOC and distance learning, SCC makes endeavors to revolutionize teaching and learning through transformations from ‘making student gain knowledge through passive learning’ to ‘helping students acquire knowledge and skills for occupational and lifelong purposes’. By inviting professors and engineers across the world to deliver courses online, SCC is exploring the possibilities to offer synchronized classes online-to-offline.

SCC visions a renowned Sino-foreign Joint College with distinguishing characteristics across the nation in China. Graduates of SCC have good chances to upgrade their credentials from diploma to degree via college-university pathways to more than 100 universities in Canada, the UK, Australia, the USA, Germany and France which may include but not limited to: University of Toronto, York University and University of Ontario Institute Technology; Warwick University, Nottingham University and Hull University; Australian National University, University of Technology Sydney and Macquarie University; Northeastern University,California State University and Portland State University. 


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