
发布时间:2022-05-10 编辑:高招帮小莉




  • 院校代码:4142013262
  • 主管部门:湖北省教育厅
  • 所在省市:湖北省 - 武汉
  • 办学层次:民办 - 本科
  • 985:否;211:否 ;双一流:否
  • 重点学科:
  • 硕士点数: 博士点数:
  • 全国排名:723
  • 创建时间:2003年
  • 占地面积:1340.00(亩)
  • 学生人数:1万4千人
  • 官方网站:www.hustwenhua.net
  • 高招网站:zhaosheng.hustwenhua.net/
  • 联系电话:027-87583392
  • 学校地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区文华园路8号


  • 院校代码:4142012309
  • 主管部门:湖北省教育厅
  • 所在省市:湖北省 - 武汉
  • 办学层次:民办 - 本科
  • 985:否;211:否 ;双一流:否
  • 重点学科:
  • 硕士点数: 博士点数:
  • 全国排名:862
  • 创建时间:2000年
  • 占地面积:1000.00(亩)
  • 学生人数:1万3千人
  • 官方网站:www.wsyu.edu.cn
  • 高招网站:zsb.hustwb.edu.cn/default.html
  • 联系电话:027-88426116
  • 学校地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区狮子山街南李路22号





Wenhua College was formerly called Wenhua College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a full-time regular institution of higher learning authorized by the Ministry of Education in May 2003 and jointly run by Wuhan Union Real Estate Limited Company and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In May, 2014, the Ministry of Education authorized the College to transfer its identity to the privately-run regular undergraduate college, officially renaming it" Wenhua College".


Within 1 kilometer away from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wenhua College is located at Chuangye Street, the heartland of Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone ---“The Optical Valley, Wuhan, China ”. Adjacent to the beautiful East Lake scenic spot, the campus covers 1,340 mu. Sheltered by green trees and red maples, it has won a reputation of “one of the ten most beautiful universities” in Wuhan. Therefore, "going to Wenhua to admire the breathtaking scenery of red maples in autumn" has become a new fashion among Wuhan residents. With a gross floor area of 532,600 m2, Wenhua  College is fully equipped with modern education and life facilities. Rigorous academic atmosphere offers an ideal land for students’ study and research.


Pro.Liu Xianjun, the President of Wenhua College, is a renowned higher educationist who is also the president of Chinese  Colleges and Universities Research Association, deputy director of the academic committee of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and a doctoral supervisor. Pro. Zhang Yongchuang, the honorary President of Wenhua College, is an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering. In the schooling process, all of the teachers and students in Wenhua College share high quality educational resources with Huazhong University of Science and Technology. One third of the state-level famous teachers and a large number of outstanding teachers and cadres with Huazhong University of Science and Technology are also teaching and working in Wenhua College. A group of renowned scholars and experts in famous colleges and universities of Wuhan are appointed to hold leading positions in teaching and researching of the departments and faculties in Wenhua College.


The mission of Wenhua College is taking "talent nurturing as the priority and teaching quality as the first concern”. Under the motto of “developing profound knowledge with great determination and cultivating right morals from the very basis of human nature", the College insists on school management by professional educators and advocates joint creation to realize mutual development. In its educational reform, the emphasis is on optimizing the structure, making major breakthroughs, defending the fundamentals and keeping innovation.


There are over 14,000 full-time college students, with 37 majors of four-year program and 10 majors of three-year program, covering six branches of studies, namely, engineering, management, literature, law, economics and arts. Therefore, a preliminary pattern is formed by "taking engineering foremost and coordinating multi-disciplinary development”. At present, Wenhua College enrolls students from 27 provinces and cities all over the country. It has also established the interscholastic cooperation with many famous colleges and universities in other countries such as the United  States , Britain and Australia etc.


With the assistance and under the guidance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wenhua College has established a scientific teaching quality assurance system. There are more than 800 professional full time teachers, of whom 351 are associate professors and professors, 42.9% have master’s degree or doctorate and 40.8% are double-certificated teachers.


Wenhua College insists on close combination of both scientific research and teaching. By serving the local economy and social development on own initiative, the College has established six general specialized branches and five specialized groups under the testing projects of transformation development of Hubei Province. Moreover, it has also launched a large number of provincial excellent courses and high quality courses. The undergraduate projects of talent cultivation are launched for Hubei Province key discipline and strategic emerging (pillar) industry personnel training plans. The College has also set up Hubei provincial key experimental teaching demonstrating center for higher education, Hubei provincial practicing and training bases for higher education, the Research Center for Hubei Brand Development, Hubei province Non-material Cultural Heritage Research Center and other provincial-level organizations.


Wenhua College insists on student-centered education, creating school-running characteristics of individualized education. By first establishing the "potential-developing tutor" system which aims at developing students' "potential", the College also spares no efforts in deepening "inspirational" education and implementing "one blueprint for one student", "one curriculum for one student" and "one quality course by one teacher", so as to create larger space for students' free development. The College endeavors to explore different education suitable for different students, establish diverse kinds of cultivating patterns for innovative talents and carry out individualized education so that a more beneficial campus environment can be created for the healthy growth of innovative and application-oriented talents.


The exploration of individualized education has attracted 16 famous educators to investigate and instruct, among whom are Pan Maoyuan, Zhou Yuanqing, GuMingyuan, Ye Lan, Wang Yingjie, QuZhenyuan. Their arrival has invigorated the academic atmosphere of the College and stimulated the exploration of individualized education. They said, "Wenhua is a college with dreams and pursuit where everyone can find free space for their own development." In March 2013, the research subject "The Exploration and Practice of Individualized Education for Undergraduate Students in Independent / Private College" of Whenhua College won the first class award in the seventh session of Hubei Province College and Universities Teaching Achievement.


Sticking to the excellent traditions of humanity education kept by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wenhua College spares no efforts in creating the humanistic atmosphere of higher education, by opening “Academicians, Celebrities, Entrepreneurs” rostrums. More than 20 academicians and university presidents, like Yang Shuzi, Li Peigeng, Luo Jun, Li Deren, Yang Jiafu, Ye Chaohui gave lectures to and exchanged opinions with the students on the spot for over 50 times. Many famous scholars have given lectures in sequence, including distinguished professors and lecturers of CCTV "Lecture Room" Wang Liqun, Yi Zhongtian and Yu Dan, well-known writers XiongZhaozheng, Fang Fang and popular celebrities of the social and cultural circle GuoJingming, Hong Huang and so on. All these efforts have well stimulated students' passion in innovating and starting up business, forming the admiring academic atmosphere.


According to incomplete statistics, since 2014, the students of Wenhua College have won 1,128 awards in various national and provincial academic competitions, including the Best Intelligence Award in "Top Ten Undergraduates in Hubei Province", the Silver Award and the Distinctive Award in “the Eighth Session of the Challenge Cup National Business Plan Competition for College Students”, as well as "the Network Virtual Operation Competition Award" and so on.


Over the past five years, the passing rates of CET-4 test taken by the students Wenhua College have been over 80%. The passing rates of the postgraduate-entrance exams taken by our students have always been higher than other colleges of the same level, being 16% of the undergraduates. About half of these students have been admitted to key universities in the National "211 Project" and the "985 Project" such as Beijing University, Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Thanks to the strong competitive advantages of College students, the initial employment rate of Wenhua has been kept at over 90%.


Wenhua College has been successively rated by the government, social organizations and authoritative media as one of “the top ten independent colleges in China”, “the National First-Batch Innovative • Employment-Oriented University”, “the Most Popular Independent College in China”, “the Advanced Folk Organization of Hubei Province”, and “the National Advanced Independent College”.


Over the past 5 years,Wenhua College has been ranked second both in “China's 100 top independent colleges ”and “China's top private universities ”which were released on the Chinese Alumni association network. Thus, the College has entered one of the Chinese First-class Private universities, enjoying the honor of “Chinese  Five-star Private  University”. Ranking second in “the List of the Best Specialized Major” in 2015 Chinese Private University, Wenhua College is the only private college that has been included in “the Engineering Major List with Ranking Above Five-star in Chinese universities of 2015”.


In the year 2015, Wenhua College was evaluated as “ China 's Private College with Social Influence” and “ China 's Employment-oriented  Typical College and University with Social Influence ” by Xinhua net.


The international school code: 13262


The enrollment code in Hubei: 1237


Zip code: 430074


Address: No.8   Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake High Technology and New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan,  Hubei province.

联系电话:(027)87599540  87599065

Telephone: (027)87599540 87599065


Website: http://www.hustwenhua.net



学校始终坚守“为党育人、为国育才”初心,秉承“学以广才、志以成学”校训,遵循“立德树人、质量为本”办学理念,弘扬“敢为人先、自强不息”的学校精神,发扬“诚信、进取、勤俭、严实”的校风,立足湖北、面向中部、辐射全国,加强顶层设计,推进改革创新,各项事业快速发展。 原全国政协主席、时任中央政治局委员俞正声,时任教育部部长周济,原湖北省委书记蒋祝平、罗清泉,原湖北省政协主席王生铁等亲临学校视察指导;原国民党副主席、海基会董事长江丙坤,原中央台湾事务办公室主任、海协会会长陈云林受聘担任学校名誉理事长;著名教育家朱九思先后任学校首任校长和名誉校长,原军事科学院院长刘精松上将、著名教育家章开沅、原华中科技大学校长李培根院士、原台湾教育部门负责人吴清基任学校名誉校长。

学校现有武昌、嘉鱼两个校区。校园总占地134.5万平方米,建筑总面积52.96万平方米。武昌校区位于辛亥革命首义之地湖北武昌南湖之滨,坐落在素有 “中国将帅摇篮”之称的黄埔军校武昌分校旧址;嘉鱼校区毗邻美丽富饶的蜜泉湖畔。园内水秀山青、林秀花香、四季怡人。建有74个基础及专业实验室、13个校内实习实训场所、216个校外实习实训基地,教学科研仪器设备总值12443.3万元。图书馆馆藏纸质图书168.70万册、电子图书300.65万余种、电子期刊112.51万余册,各类数据库32个。校园网络实现全覆盖。



学校坚持落实立德树人根本任务,强化五育并举、三全育人,瞄准工程教育认证目标,全面推行“学生中心、产出导向、持续改进”理念,构建并实施 OBE 教育教学体系,深化产教融合,强化实践教学,培养应用型人才。获批教育部新工科探索与实践项目等部省级教改项目104项、教育部“产学合作协同育人项目”32 项、省级虚拟仿真实验教学项目3个;近两届获湖北省高校教学成果奖5项,建成省级一流本科课程和精品在线开放课程20门,主编、参编出版教材157本,其中《融合新闻学导论》已被全国80余所高校选用。



学校办学成果广受社会赞誉,连续十六年蝉联全国民办高校排行榜首,多次被新华网、新浪网、央视网等主流权威媒体评为“中国品牌知名度民办高校”、“中国社会影响力民办高校”、“2020年度•品牌影响力民办高校”。先后多次获评湖北省文明单位(校园)、省平安校园等荣誉称号。 截至2021年6月,学校为国家和社会共输送6万余名毕业生,毕业生质量广获社会和用人单位认可。




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