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哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院导师:崔淑梅 正文









  双耦合场四端口机电能量变换器基础理论与应用技术的研究 国家自然科学基金
  解放牌混合动力客车电机及其控制系统 国家科技部863“十五” 重大项目
  红旗牌混合动力轿车电机及其控制系统 国家科技部863“十五” 重大项目
  解放牌混合动力车电机关键技术研究 国家科技部863“十一五”重大项目
  以超级电容为能源的电动车 国家科技部863“十五” 重大项目
  先进汽车传动系统创新平台 教育部985
  超级电容器及电动汽车关键技术 黑龙江省科技攻关“十一五”重大项目
  超级电容电动公交客车 黑龙江省科技攻关“十五”重大项目
  空心电机特殊问题及设计方法的研究 国家自然科学基金项目
  四端口机电能量变换器耦合问题的研究 教育部博士点基金
  电动车辆驱动用电机研制开发及产业化 江苏省科技成果转化专项基金
  电容-电池复合能源电动汽车的研究 哈尔滨市科技攻关重点项目

  1、 Shumei Cui,Shaopeng Wu,Jing Zhang. Design,Simulation and Fabrication of a Hybrid Excitation Compulsator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Jan. 2011, vol. 39, No. 1: 251-256.
  2、 Shumei Cui, Weiduo Zhao, Shaopeng Wu,Research on the Thermal Field and Active Water Cooling System Design of an Air-Core Compulsator [J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Jan. 2011, vol. 39, No. 1: 257-262.
  3、 Shaopeng Wu,Shumei Cui,Liwei Song,Weiduo Zhao,Jing Zhang. Design, Simulation and Testing of a Dual Stator-winding All-Air-Core Compulsator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Jan. 2011, vol. 39, No. 1: 328-334.
  4、 S. Cui, W. Huang, Z. Kuang, Y. Cheng,and L. Song, " A Direct Measuring Method of Dual Shafts’ Speed Difference for Electrical Variable Transmission ," in The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 2010.
  5、 Shumei Cui, Qiwei Xu, Yuan Cheng. Research on Direct Torque Control for the Electrical Variable Transmission. Proceedings of IEEE VPPC 2010, Lille, France, 2010
  6、 Shumei Cui; Miao Yu; Wenxiang Huang; Yuan Cheng; Qianfan Zhang;. Research on the decoupling of EVT. 2009.IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 7-10 Sept. 2009 Page(s):1608 - 1612
  7、 Shumei Cui, Shaopeng Wu, Shukang Cheng, Design and Simulation of a Self-Excited All-Air-Core and Fabrication of a Separate-Excited All-Iron-Core Passive Compulsator, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.45, No. 1, Part 2, January 2009, 261-265.
  8、 Y. Cheng, K. Chen, C.C. Chan, A. Bouscayrol, S. Cui. Global modeling and control strategy simulation for a hybrid electric vehicle using electrical variable transmission. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, June 2009, 73-79.
  9、 Yuan Cheng, Shumei Cui, C.C.Chan, A novel series-parallel power train for hybrid electric vehicle applications, Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, Vol.7, No.1, June 2009.
  10、 田德文,谢大纲,崔淑梅. 军用汽车混合电力驱动系统复合能源控制策略. 机械工程学报. 第45卷第2期, 2009年2月,41-47
  11、 吴世华,曾庆初,宋立伟,崔淑梅. 永磁材料对无刷直流电机性能影响的研究,中国科技论文在线,2009年8月
  12、 崔淑梅; 吴世华.电动汽车用轮式驱动电机的研究. 第十三届中国小电机技术研讨会论文集, 2008-11-01
  13、 崔淑梅 电动汽车电机的研究与开发. 第十三届中国小电机技术研讨会论文集, 2008-11-01
  14、 Shumei. Cui, Tian dewen. “Study of Hybrid Energy Control Strategy for Hybrid Electric Drive System in All Electric Combat Vehicles,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  15、 Cui Shumei, Huang Wenxiang and Zhang Qianfan, “Research on Power Density Improvement Design of an HEV using Induction Machine based Electrical Variable Transmission,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  16、 Cui Shumei, Liang Chen, Song liwei, “Study on Efficiency Calculation Model of Induction Motors for Electric Vehicles,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  17、 Shumei Cui, Shaopeng Wu, and Shukang Cheng, “Design and Simulation of a self-excited All-Air-Core and Fabrication of a separate-excited All-Iron-Core Passive Compulsator,” proceedings of 14th symposium on electromagnetic launch technology, Victoria, Canada, June 10-13 2008.
  18、 Shumei Cui, Yongjie Yuan, Tiecheng Wang, “Research on Switched Reluctance Double-rotor Motor Used for Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” IEEE ICEM’S08, October 2008.
  19、 Tian dewen, Shumei. Cui. “A neuromuscular-like control of Electric Vehicle”, IEEE ICEM’S08, October 2008.
  20、 Shaopeng Wu, Shumei Cui,Liwei Song, Manlan Liu, “Design,Fabrication and Experiment of Iron-core Passive Compulsator,” IEEE ICEM’S08, October 2008.
  21、 刘曼兰, 崔淑梅. 永磁直流电机绕组脱焊故障在线诊断与分析. 电机与控制学报. 2008,12(4): 430-434
  22、 Lipeng Yuan, Shumei Cui, Hongying Lu, Yuan Cheng, “Study on the application of an advanced electrical variable transmission for automobile to bus,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  23、 Wei Zhao Shumei Cui, Zhen Wang, “Merging Spectral and Textural Information for Classifying Remote Sensing Images,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  24、 Haifang Yu, Shumei Cui, Tiecheng Wang. “Simulation and Performance Analysis on an Energy Storage System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Ultracapacitor,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  25、 Shihua Wu, Likun Tian, Shumei Cui, “A Comparative Study of the Interior Permanent Magnet Electrical Machine’s Rotor Configurations for a Single Shaft Hybrid Electric Bus,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  26、 Manlan Liu, Xu Yang, Shumei Cui. “Online Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Permanent-magnetic DC Motor,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  27、 K. Chen, Y. Cheng, A. Bouscayrol, C.C.Chan, A. Berthon, S. Cui. “Inversion-based control of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using a Split Electrical Variable Transmission,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  28、 杨 琳, 崔淑梅, 刘曼兰. 利用电流脉动测试直流电机转速存在问题的分析. 微电机.2007,4,82~85
  29、 刘曼兰,于海芳,崔淑梅. 一种永磁直流电机故障诊断方法的研究. 电工技术学报.2007,10,42~48
  30、 Cui Shumei, Huang Wenxiang, Cheng Yuan, Ning Kewang, C.C. Chan. Design and Experimental Research on Induction Machine based Electrical Variable Transmission. VPPC07’. Arlington, Texas, USA. 2007.9
  31、 黄文祥, 程远, 宁可望, 崔淑梅. 混合动力车用感应式四端口机电能量变换器的设计与实验研究. 第五届北京国际清洁汽车技术创新发展论坛论文集. 2007. 10
  32、 田德文,谢大纲,崔淑梅.军用汽车混合电传动系统复合能源控制策略研究, 第五届北京国际清洁汽车技术创新发展论坛论文集. 2007. 10
  33、 崔淑梅,程远,陈清泉. 先进汽车电气变速器. 电工技术学报. 2006,10,111~116(EI070110339728)
  34、 Yuan Cheng,Shumei Cui, and C.C. Chan The study of the operation modes and control strategies of an advanced electromechanical converter for automobiles. 13th EML,. 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 430-433 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI, JAN 2007.
  35、 Wei Zheng, Shumei Cui, Dagang Xie, and Shukang Cheng. Motor Control Method for Double Shaft Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle AMT Shifting 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006
  36、 Dai Ying, Song Liwei, and Cui Shumei. Development of PMSM drives for hybrid electric car applications. 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 434-437 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI, JAN 2007
  37、 Shihua Wu, Liwei Song, and Shumei Cui. Study on Improving the Performance of PM Wheel Motor in EV application 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 434-437 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI, JAN 2007
  38、 Song Liwei, Liu Weiliang, Cheng Shukang, and Cui Shumei. The Research of the Cylindrical Staggered Lamination Linear Pulse Launcher 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 ,
  39、 Zhang Qianfan Shumei Cui,Yuan Cheng. Energy Saving Electric Machine Driving System Test-bed for EV&HEV. 13th Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology. May 22-25, 2006
  40、 Shumei Cui,Yuan Cheng.and C.C. Chan A Basic Study of Electrical Variable Transmission and Its Application in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 6-8 September, 2006, Windsor, UK
  41、 Shumei Cui, Wei Zheng Control strategy for Double Shaft Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle : IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 6-8 September, 2006, Windsor, UK
  42、 Cui. Shumei, Dai. Ying, Song. Liwei Rotor Slots Design of Induction Machine for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 6-8 September, 2006, Windsor, UK
  43、 崔淑梅,刘曼兰,呼向东. 基于电流分析的永磁直流电动机故障检测与诊断. 微电机. 2005,3
  44、 刘曼兰,呼向东,崔淑梅. 永磁直流电机故障诊断中电流信号的分析与处理. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2005,6
  45、 刘曼兰,宋立伟,崔淑梅. 永磁直流电机故障机理分析与研究. 微特电机.2005,8,
  46、 刘曼兰,寇宝泉,崔淑梅. 永磁直流电机故障检测与诊断装置的研究. 微特电机.2005,9
  47、 代颖,崔淑梅. 电动车驱动用永磁同步电机力矩特性的研究. 高技术通讯. 2005,12,64~67
  48、 代颖,王立欣,崔淑梅.电动汽车用永磁同步电机评述,微电机,2005.3,84~86
  49、 王铁成,代颖,崔淑梅.电动车永磁同步电机研究状况.2005,1 55~57
  50、 Song. Liwei, Dai. Ying, Cui. Shumei, Cheng. Shukang. Constant-power operation performance improvement of the induction machine drives for hybrid electric vehicle applications. ICEMS2005
  51、 Liwei, Song; Weiliang, Liu; Shukang, Cheng; Sumei, Cui. Tooth-layer permeance function generation method for doubly-slotted motor. ICEMS2005
  52、 Yuan Cheng, Fuyi Duan, Shumei Cui. The Design Principle of Electric Motors and Drive Systems for Electric Vehicles. ICEMS 2005,9 Nanjing, China
  53、 崔淑梅,段甫义.超级电容电动汽车的研究进展与趋势.汽车研究与开发,2005.6, 31~36
  54、 崔淑梅,张千帆,宋立伟,杨世彦,程树康.超级电容电动车动力性研究,微电机,2005,4,37~40
  55、 吴世华,崔淑梅. 电动汽车用永磁轮式电机综述. 微电机 2005,6,
  56、 尚俊云,张千帆,崔淑梅 提高电动车用轮式电机转矩特性的方法. 微电机,2005,6,84~86
  57、 Wu Hong-xing, Cheng Shu-kang, Cui Shu-mei Communication on Vehicle Management Unit in the Electric Vehicle Electric Vehicle. 12th EML,May 28-31,2004,Saint-Louis,USA. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics(SCI887YW, EI 05509538534, ISTP BBT10)
  58、 Wu Hong-xing, Cheng Shu-kang, Cui Shu-mei A Controller of Brushless DC Motor for Vehicle Electric Vehicle. 12th EML,May 28-31,2004,Saint-Louis,USA. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  59、 Chai Feng, Shumei Cui, Chengshu Kang Performance Analysis of Double-stator Starter Generator for the Hybrid Electric Vehicle. 12th EML,May 28-31,2004,Saint-Louis,USA. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  60、 Zheng Ping, Cui Shumei, Cheng Shukang. Performance Calculation of Brushless DC Motor. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2005). Sept. 27-29, 2005. Nanjing, China, 426-428
  61、 程树康,崔淑梅. 动态电磁感应加热方式初探—电机与电器温升反问题研究. 微电机. 2005,1,21-22



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