
发布时间:2021-10-09 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


厦门大学计算机科学系导师:张德富 正文

  联系电话: 18959217108
  电子邮件: dfzhang@ xmu.edu.cn.
  张德富,博士后,教授,硕士导师。1996年毕业于湘潭大学数学系计算数学及应用软件专业。同年免试推荐攻读计算数学硕士学位。1999年考入华中科技大学计算机学院计算机软件与理论专业。2002年6月受聘为上海金新金融工程研究院高级研究员,从事金融数据挖掘的研究工作。2003年4月到厦门大学,现在信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系从事教学和科研工作。2006年至2008年在国防科技大学和东南融通联合博士后工作站从事博士后研究。2008年6月6 日至2008年9月6日,2009年7月6日至2009年9月6日,香港城市大学访问学者。2009年12月至2010年12月,美国 University of Wisconsin-Madison访问学者。2011年7月13日至2011年9月12日,香港城市大学访问副教授。 2012年9月访问香港城市大学。2013年7月12日至9月1日,访问香港城市大学。2013年9月1日至2013年11月31日,访问澳门大学。
  主持国家自然科学基金一项,主持教育部留学回国人员启动基金一项。参与国家自然科学基金两项以及主持福建省自然科学基金一项。近5年来在《INFORMS Journal on Computing》、《Computers & Operations Research》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Optimization Methods and Software》、《Lecture Notes in Computer Science》、《计算机学报》、《软件学报》、《自动化学报》等期刊以及国际会议上发表论文 10多篇,其中SCI收录10,EI收录20多篇。经常受邀为国际知名杂志《Computers & Operation Research》、《Computational Optimization and Applications》、《INFORMS Journal on Computing》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》审稿。
   I received my bachelor degree in computational mathematics in 1996, and my master degree in computational mathematics in 1999, both from Xiangtan University, and my Ph.D. degree in computer software and its theory from Huazhong University of Science & Technology.
   Now I work in the school of information science and technology at Xiamen University. I
   worked as a PostDoc at the Longtop for financial data mining group from 2006 to 2008. From June 6, 2008 to September 6, 2008 and from July 6, 2009 to September 6, 2009, I worked as a visiting scholar of Hong Kong City University. From December 28, 2009 to December 28, 2010, I works at the department of Industrial and System Engineering in University of Wisconsin-Madison as a visiting scholar.
   From July 13, 2009 to September 12, 2011,September of 2012,from July 12, 2013 to September 1,2013, I worked as a visiting scholar of Hong Kong City University.From September 1, 2013 to November 31,2013, I worked as a visiting scholar of Macau University.
   My past teaching curricula include formal languages and automata, mathematical logic,
   the art of computer programming,artifical intelligence. My current teaching curricula include the design and analysis of algorithms, the design and analysis of advanced algorithms and modern data mining techniques.
   My two books(Design and Analysis of Advanced Algorithms,Design and Analysis of Algorithms)were published by National defense industrial press.
   I supervised ACM/ICPC teamers in Xiamen University and obtained 3 gold medals,8 silver medals from 2004 to 2009,and took part in the world final contest in 2007.
   My research interests include all aspects of computational intelligence, finance data mining,game algorithms. Current projects include the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 61272003)and Overseas returnees start- up fund. I have published some papers in the following Journals: 《INFORMS Journal on Computing》、《Computers & Operations Research》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Optimization Methods and Software》、《Lecture Notes in Computer Science》、《Chinese Journal of Computer》、《Journal of Software》 and 《ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA》.I have reviewed several papers for the following Journals: 《Computers & Operation Research》、《Computational Optimization and Applications》、《INFORMS Journal on Computing》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《European Journal of Operational Research》and 《IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems》.
  (1)A heuristic block-loading algorithm based on multi-layer search for the container loading problem,Computers & Operations Research,2012年08月
  (2)Extended local search algorithm based on nonlinear programming for two-dimensional irregular strip packing problem,Computers and Operations Research ,2012年03月
  (3)A hybrid simulated annealing metaheuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional knapsack packing problem,Computers & Operations Research,2012年01月
  (4)A two-stage intelligent search algorithm for the two-dimensional strip packing problem,European Journal of Operational Research,2011年01月
  (5)A fast layer-based heuristic for non-guillotine strip packing,Expert Systems with Applications,2011年01月
  (6)A novel mixed integer programming formulation and progressively stochastic search for capacitated lot sizing,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,2011年01月
  (7)Vertical Bagging Decision Trees Model for Credit Scoring,Expert Systems with Applications,2010年12月
  (8)A clique-based algorithm for constructing feasible timetables,Optimization Methods and Software,2010年03月
  (9)Simulated annealing for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints,Flexible Services and Manufacturing ,2010年01月
  (10)Extended guided tabu search and a new packing algorithm for the two-dimensional loading vehicle routing problem,Computers and Operations Research,2010年01月
  (12)A Simulated Annealing with a New Neighborhood Structure Based Algorithm for High School Timetabling Problems,European Journal of Operational Research,2009年11月
  (14)A least wasted first heuristic algorithm for the rectangular packing problem,Computers & Operations Research,2009年03月
  (15)A Decision Tree Scoring Model Based on Genetic Algorithm and K-Means Algorithm,IEEE Proceedings,2008年11月
  (16)A Hybrid Credit Scoring Model Based on Genetic Programming and Support Vector Machines,IEEE Proceedings,2008年10月
  (19)An Improved Heuristic Recursive Strategy Based on Genetic Algorithm for the Strip Rectangular Packing Problem,自动化学报,2007年08月
  (20)A Comparison Study of Credit Scoring Models,IEEE Proceedings,2007年08月
  (21)Building Behavior Scoring Model Using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machines,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2007年05月
  (22)A Modified Genetic Programming for Behavior Scoring Problem,IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining,2007年04月
  (23)Financial Forecasting Using Pattern Modeling and Recognition System Based on Kernel Regression,Wseas Transactions on Computers,2007年01月
  (24)A new heuristic recursive algorithm for the strip rectangular packing problem,Computers & Operations Research,2006年01月
  (26)An Improved Shifting Bottleneck Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem,Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,2005年05月
  (27)A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for the Rectangular Packing Problem,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2005年05月
  (28)A Hybrid Mining Model Based on Neural Network and Kernel Smoothing Technique,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2005年05月
  (29)A Personified Annealing Algorithm for Circles Packing Problem,ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA,2005年04月
  (31)A Meta-heuristic Algorithm for the Strip Rectangular Packing Problem,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2005年01月
  (32)An effective hybrid algorithm for the problem of packing circles into a larger containing circle,Computers & Operations Research,2005年01月
  (33)A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Circles Packing Problem,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2004年05月
  (34)An algorithm based on tabu search for satisfiability problem,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,2002年02月



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