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上海交通大学机械制造及其自动化导师:奚学程 正文

  办公电话 +86 21 3420 8234
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  电子邮件 xcxi@sjtu.edu.cn

  2004.01 ―2008.06 新加坡国立大学自动控制与机电一体化专业       博士
  2001.07 ―2003.09 新加坡国立大学自动控制与机电一体化专业       硕士
  1992.09 ―1996.07 南京航空航天大学飞行器环境控制与安全救生专业 学士

  2009.07--          上海交通大学机械与动力学院, 助理研究员
  2008.12-- 2009.06   联合技术研究中心(中国)有限公司, 高级工程师
  1999.05 -- 2000.10  上海国际机场股份有限公司, 工程师

  1. 机电系统运动控制
  2. 电火花加工技术
  3. 基于Linux数控系统
  4. 数控系统运动轮廓精度控制

  2014.01 – 2016.12,国家重大专项子课题,“精密、高效、数控单向走丝电火花线切割机床,负责人
  2014.06 – 2018.06, 上海汉霸机电有限公司,“六轴联动电火花数控系统软件及工艺技术”,负责人
  2014.10 – 2016.10 上海市教委产学研项目,“六轴联动电火花加工数控系统及机床”,负责人
  2013.12 – 2014.12,上海汉霸机电有限公司,“六轴联动电火花加工数控系统开发”,负责人
  2012.01 – 2015.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目, “变厚度电火花线切割加工机理研究”,项目批准号 51175337,负责人
  2011.01- 2012.12,机械系统与振动国家重点实验自主/开放研究课题 “医疗器械复杂微小零件多轴联动电火花加工设备的研制”, 负责人
  2011.01- 2012.12,哈尔滨工业大学 微系统与微结构制造重点实验室 开放基金课题”五轴联动微细电火花加工运动仿真”,负责人
  2009.01--2010.12,国家重大专项 “自动穿丝、精密、高效、数控单向走丝电火花线切割机床”,第二负责人
  2008.09-2010.11, 863计划重点项目”高效精密单向走丝线切割加工技术与装备”,第二负责人
  2013.01-2017.12, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, “高速电弧放电加工技术基础研究”,项目批准号51235007,排4

  Xi, X.-C.,Poo, A.-N.,Hong,G.-S.,Improving contouring accuracy in CNC machines: compensation and control, Lambert Academic Publishing,Germany, 2011
  [1] Xi, X.-C., Zhao, W.-S., Poo A.-N., Improving CNC contouring accuracy by robust digital
  integral sliding mode control,(2015) International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 88, pp. 51-61.
  [2] Xi, X.-C., Dou, S.-C., Zhao, W.-S., Online estimation of workpiece height by
  least squares support vector machines in wire electrical discharge machining,
  (2014) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
  Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(14), pp. 2618–2631.
  [3] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S., Huo, F.
  Experimental implementation of Taylor series expansion error compensation on a bi-axial CNC machine
  (2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53 (1-4), pp. 285-299. 被引用 4 次.
  [4] Xi, X.-C., Hong, G.-S., Poo, A.-N.
  Improving CNC contouring accuracy by integral sliding mode control
  (2010) Mechatronics, 20 (4), pp. 442-452. 被引用 12 次.
  [5] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S.
  Tracking error-based static friction compensation for a bi-axial CNC machine
  (2010) Precision Engineering, 34 (3), pp. 480-488. 被引用 7 次.
  [6] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S.
  Improving contouring accuracy by tuning gains for a bi-axial CNC machine
  (2009) International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 49 (5), pp. 395-406. 被引用 22 次.
  [7] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Chou, S.-K.
  Support vector regression model predictive control on a HVAC plant
  (2007) Control Engineering Practice, 15 (8), pp. 897-908. 被引用 50 次.
  [8] Liang, S., Zhao, W., Xi, X.
  Design of a real-time NURBS interpolator with constant segment length for milling EDM
  (2013) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67 (1-4), pp. 427-440. 被引用 2 次.
  [9] Liu, X., Kang, X., Xi, X., Liang, W., Zhao, W.
  Electrode feed path planning for multi-axis EDM of integral shrouded impeller
  (2013) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68 (5-8), pp. 1697-1706.
  [10] Dou, S.-C., Xi, X.-C., Zhao, W.-S.
  Workpiece height estimation in wire electrical discharge machining by using support vector regression
  (2013) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 227 (4), pp. 565-577.
  [11] Jiang, Y., Zhao, W., Xi, X.
  A study on pulse control for small-hole electrical discharge machining
  (2012) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212 (7), pp. 1463-1471. 被引用 2 次.
  [12] Jiang, Y., Zhao, W., Xi, X., Gu, L., Kang, X.
  Detecting discharge status of small-hole EDM based on wavelet transform
  (2012) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61 (1-4), pp. 171-183.
  [13] Jiang, Y., Zhao, W., Xi, X., Gu, L.
  Adaptive control for small-hole EDM process with wavelet transform detecting method
  (2012) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26 (6), pp. 1885-1890. 被引用 1 次。
  [14] Huo, F., Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N.
  Generalized Taylor series expansion for free-form two-dimensional contour error compensation
  (2012) International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 53 (1), pp. 91-99. 被引用 16 次.
  [15] Li, L., Gu, L., Xi, X., Zhao, W.
  Influence of flushing on performance of EDM with bunched electrode
  (2012) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58 (1-4), pp. 187-194. 被引用 7 次.
  [1] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Chou, S.-K., Factors affecting contour errors in cnc systems. In: Proceedings of 2005 9th International conference on mechatronics technology. Kuala Lumpur, Maylasia. ICMT-117, 2005.
  [2] Xi, X.-C., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S. Taylor Series Expansion Error Compensation for a Bi-axial CNC Machine , 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore, 12 - 15 October 2008.
  [3] Liu, X., Kang, X.M., Xi, X.C., Zhao, W.S., Numerical simulation of uneven wear of shaped electrode in EDM, Procedings of 16th International Symposium on Electromachining, Shanghai, China, pp. 155—158, 2010.
  [4] Huo, F, Xi X.C., Poo, A.N., Effect of Servo Control Frequency on Contour Errors in a Bi-axial CNC Machine, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 4-7, 2010, Xi'an, China

  《C++程序设计与实践》授课对象:2013级本科生   学时数:48   学分:3
  2010.02-2010.07,毕业设计(胡龙), 五轴线切割机床加工过程的三维显示

  2011.04, 低速走丝电火花线切割机床数控系统,授权号:2011R11S009258

  2009.07--2010.04   第十六届国际电加工大会(16th International Symposium on Electromachining) 秘书
  2009.09--   Applied Energy审稿人
  2010.01--   Precision Engineering审稿人
  2011.11--   Control Engineering Practice 审稿人
  2012.08--   Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science审稿人
  2013.02--International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems审稿人

  2011.05   上海交通大学工作考核优秀
  2011.11   2006~2011年度中国机械工程学会学会工作成果奖



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