宁波大学海运学院导师:王育红 正文
王育红, 男,1979年出生,教授,硕士生导师,英国纽卡斯尔大学航运技术专业博士,国际航运学家协会(IAME)成员,英国皇家物流与运输学会(CILT)特许会员。曾任英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学交通运输研究中心高级研究员,同时担任多个交通运输研究大型国际会议的执委和学术委员会委员等职务。
研究项目:现承担由挪威研究理事会(Norwegian Research Council)和欧盟第七框架 (EU FP7)资助的科研项目各一项,重点研究中欧间集装箱供应链的整合与优化工作。
研究成果:2011年获得第四届(2008-2011)帕尔格雷夫.麦克米兰航运经济与物流博士论文评选二等奖。在爱丁堡龙比亚大学工作期间,主持由欧盟第七框架,欧盟北海跨区域IVB计划,挪威研究理事会,苏格兰地区交通署等资助的多个科研项目,并在Transportation Research: Part A、Transportation Research: Part E、Journal of Transportation等交通运输研究领域著名期刊和重要国际学术会议发表多篇学术论文。
Wang, Y.H.et al. (2017)Challenges and Developments in Integrated Container Supply Chains – A Research Agenda on Europe-China Research Network on Integrated Container Supply Chains (ENRICH) Project, in Hernández, J.E. et al. ed. Collaborative logistics and intermodality – models and solution for global environments, Springer: in press.
Cullinane, K.P.B.,Wang, Y.H.(2017). The hierarchical configuration of the container port industry: an application of multiple linkage analysis, in Tally, W. ed. Maritime Economics, Routledge: Oxford.
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B (2016) Determinants of Port Centrality in Maritime Container Transportation, Transportation Research E,Transportation Research E,95, 326-340.
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B (2015) Determents of Port Centrality in Maritime Container Transportation, Asian Logistics Round Table Conference, Taipei, August 31 – September 1.
Wang, Y.H.andCullinane, K.P.B (2014) Traffic consolidation in East Asian container ports: A network flow analysis,Transportation Research A, 61C, 152-163.
Wang, Y.H., Cullinane, K.P.B. and Hu, Y.H. (2014)Feeder Shipping in China: A Sustainable Driver for Chinese Container Port Development,Transportation Journal,53(2), 253-267.
Monios, J,Wang, Y.H.(2014) Regional stakeholder solutions to empty container repositioning costs in peripheral regions, International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Norfolk, USA, July 15-18.
Monios, J,Wang, Y.H. (2014) The problem of empty container repositioning costs for Scottish exporter, Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 21.
Monios, J.,Wang, Y.H.(2013). Spatial and institutional characteristics of inland port development in China,GeoJournal, 78(5), 897-913.
Wang, Y.H.(2013) Multiple Centrality Assessment of Ports in Maritime Container Transportation,International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Marseille, France, July 3-5.
Wang, Y.H.(2013) Measures of Port Centrality: A Network Perspective of Container Flow Movement. Paper presented atAssociation of American Geographers Annual Meeting, USA, April 9-13.
Tseng, P.H.,Wang, Y.H.(2013) The Restoration of Direct Shipping Services across the Taiwan Straits: Assessing the Impact on Container Flows in East Asia,2013 International Conference on Challenges and Response of Port in Globalised Economy, Bangkok, April 3-5.
Cullinane, K.P.B.,Wang, Y.H.(2012). The hierarchical configuration of the container port industry: an application of multiple linkage analysis,Journal of Maritime Policy & Management,39(2), 169-187.
Monios, J.,Wang, Y.H.(2012)A comparison of inland port development on three continents,Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, USA, February 24-28.
Monios, J.,Wang, Y.H.(2012)Inland port development in China: lessons for and from other continents, the8thInternational Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies (ICTTS), Changsha, China, August 1-3.
Wang, Y.H.,Cullinane, K.P.B.(2012).A Network Perspective on Port Hierarchy and Inter-Port Competition,International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport, Celje, Slovenia, June 14-16.
Wang, Y.H.,Cullinane, K.P.B.(2012).A Spatial Profile of Maritime Container Flows and its Implications for Port Development, the8th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Changsha, China, August 1-3.
Wang, Y.H.,Cullinane, K.P.B., Hu, Y. (2012).Domestic Feeder Shipping in China: A Sustainable Driver for Chinese Container Port Development,International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, September 6-8.
Wang, Y.H.,Cullinane, K.P.B.(2011).Network flow analysis of freight traffic consolidation in the container port industry,International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, October 25-28.
Cullinane, K.P.B. andWang, Y.H.(2009) A Capacity-based Measure of Container Port Accessibility,International Journal of Logistics Research and Application, 12(2), pp. 103-117.
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B. (2008) Measuring Container Port Accessibility: An Application of the Principal Eigenvector Method (PEM),Maritime Economic and Logistics,10(1-2), pp.75-89.
Cullinane, K.P.B. andWang, Y.H.(2008)Port Accessibility and the Impact on Container Logistics in Asia, 2008 International Conference on Shipping, Port and Logistics Management, Taiwan, 28-29 March 2008
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B. (2007) Measuring Container Port Accessibility: An Application of the Principal Eigenvector Method (PEM),International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Greece, July 4-6.
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B. (2006) Port Accessibility and the Impact on Container Logistics, Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, UK, September 6-8.
Wang, Y.H.and Cullinane, K.P.B. (2006) Inter-Port Competition and Measures of Individual Container Port Accessibility,International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference, Australia, July 12-14.
Journal of Transport Geography Transport Policy International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics Maritime Policy & Management Transportation on Economics Journal of Risk and Reliability Research in Transport Business and Management etc.
Project Investigator:
SeaConAZ – Exploring the Potential for Making Sea Containers Go All the Way (A-Z) Through the Supply Chain, 挪威研究理事会资助 (2015 – 2019).
ENRICH – EC-ChiNa Research Network on Integrated Container Supply Chains, 欧盟第七框架资助 (2013-2017).
Branchliner Plus 苏格兰高地交通署资助 (08/2015 – 11/2015).
FoodPort Project 欧盟北海跨区域合作计划资助(2011 – 2014).
An Analysis of Bulk Shipping in the UK 苏格兰东南交通署资助 (2013 – 2014).
Green Logistics Report - Best Practices in Scotland 苏格兰东南交通署资助(06/2013 – 09/2013).
Lifting the Spirit – Whisky by Rail 苏格兰高地交通署(09/2013 – 12/2013).
Project Co-Investigator:
GreCor – Green Corridor Oslo - Randstad, North Sea Region Interreg IVB Programme (2012-2015).
DRYPORT – Scottish Intermodal Gateway Development, North Sea Region Interreg IVB Programme (2010-2012).