宁波大学海洋学院导师:张德民 正文
张德民,博士,宁波大学海洋学院教授、博导。中国微生物生态学会副主任、中国海洋微生物学会理事,浙江省海洋学会常务理事。主要从事微生物生态学和微生物资源分类学研究。主要研究兴趣:1. 基于微生物-环境-生态系统三者关系揭示近海污染水域细菌群落结构、功能及其动态演替规律,试图建立一个可应用于近岸海洋环境质量及生态健康评价的微生态效应指标体系;2. 研究养殖病害预测和生态调控技术及相关微生物资源开发。
国家海洋863主题项目(海洋环境高通量检测技术研究)首席专家;作为主要承担人员参加国家863课题(封闭式循环水养殖高效生物净化系统关键技术研究)、科技部科技资源平台项目(养殖环境微生物菌种资源标准化整理、整合)、教育部创新团队等课题研究;主持国家基金(1,对虾病害发生的微生物生态机理机制研究;2.弧菌基因组16S rRNA基因拷贝数和异化与其环境适应性关系研究)、教育部重点基金(光合细菌菌剂调控养殖水质机理研究)及浙江省基金人才项目(养殖池塘微生物群落结构及其演替的分子生态学研究)等国家、省部级项目10余项。以第一或通讯作者在Environ Microbiol, Sci Rep, Environ Pollut, App Environ Microb, Ecolo Indic, App Microbiol Biot,Microbiol Ecol, Mar Pollut Bull, J Biotechnol, Intl J Syst Evol Micr,生态学报、水产学报、微生物学报等杂志上发表论文40余篇,其中SCITop期刊或影响因子3.0以上期刊论文十余篇。
1. ChenH, Zhang H, Xiong J, Wang K, Zhu J, Zhu X, Zhou X, Zhang D*. Successional trajectories of bacterioplankton community over the complete cycle of a sudden phytoplankton bloom in the Xiangshan Bay, East China Sea. Environmental Polluton. Accepted.
2. Huang Z, WangL, ZhangD*, ShaoZ*. Pseudotenacibaculum haliotis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member within the Tenacibaculum-Polaribacter clade of the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from the intestine of adult abalones, Haliotis diversicolor and H. discus hannai. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Accepted.
3. Yan J, Y Wu, MengF, WangC, XiongS, ZhangX, ZhangY, XuX, ZhangD*. Pseudoalteromonas gelatinilytica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Accepted.
4.吴金凤,熊金波,王欣,裘钱玲琳,郑嘉来,张德民*. 2016. 肠道菌群对凡纳滨对虾健康的指示作用. 应用生态学报. 应用生态学报. 27(2):611-621.
5.胡常巨, 熊金波, 陈和平, 王凯, 叶然, 崔永平, 朱建林, 张德民*.2015. 象山港网箱养殖区与非养殖区的细菌群落分布. 生态学报. 35(24): 8053-8061.
6.Xiong J, Chen H, Hu C, Ye X, Kong D, Zhang D*. 2015. Evidence of bacterioplankton community adaptation in response to long-term mariculture disturbance. Scientifc Reports. 5 15274.
7.Wang K, Ye X. Chen H, Zhao Q, Hu C, He J, Qian Y, Xiong J, Zhu J and Zhang D*, 2015. Bacterial biogeography in the coastal waters of northern Zhejiang, East China Sea is highly controlled by spatially structured environmental gradients. Enviromental Microbiology. 17(10): 3898-3913
8.Lukwambe B, Qiuqian L, Wu J, Zhang D, Wang K, Zheng Z*. 2015. The effects of commercial microbial agents (probiotics) on phytoplankton community structure in intensive white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Internation, 23:1443–1455.
9. Wang K, Zhang D*, Xiong J, Chen X, Zheng J, Hu C, Yang Y, Zhu J. 2015. Response of Bacterioplankton Communities to Cadmium Exposure in Coastal Water Microcosms with High Temporal Variability. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology. 81: 231-240.
10.Xiong J, Wang K, Wu J, Qiuqian L, Yang K, Qian Y, Zhang D*. 2015. Changes in intestinal bacterial communities are closely associated with shrimp disease severity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 99(16): 6911-6919.
11.Xiong J,Zhu J and Zhang D*. 2014. The application of bacterial indicator phylotypes to predict shrimp health status. Appllied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 98 (14): 8291–8299.
12.Hou,M, Xiong J, Wang K, Ye X, Ye R, Wang Q, Hu C, Zhang D*.2014. Communities of sediment ammonia-oxidizing bacteria along a coastal pollution gradient in the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 86: 147-153.
13.Xiong J, Zhu J, Wang K, Wang X, Ye X, Liu L, Zhao Q, Hou. M, Qiuqian L, Zhang D*. 2014. The temporal scaling of bacterioplankton composition: high turnover and predictability during shrimp cultivation. Microbial Ecology. 67 (2): 256-264.
14. Xiong J,Ye X,Wang K,Chen H, Hu C,Zhu J, and Zhang D*. 2014. The Biogeography of the Sediment Bacterial Community Responds to a Nitrogen Pollution Gradient in the East China Sea. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology. 80:1919-1925.
15. Zhang D*, Wang X, Xiong J, Zhu J, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Chen H, Guo A, Wu J. Dai H. 2014. Bacterioplankton assemblages as biological indicators of shrimp health status. Ecological Indicators 38, 218-224.
16. Ma S, Zhang D*, Zhang W and Wang Y. 2014. Ammonia stimulates growth and nitrite-oxidizing activity of Nitrobacter winogradskyi. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 28(1): 27-32.