
发布时间:2020-08-04 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


2020/2021学年湖南师范大学国际学生招生简章 正文

湖南师范大学2020/2021 学年国际学生招生简章

Admission Brochure for International Students Hunan Normal University


1. 截至 2020 年 9 月 1 日年龄在 18 周岁(含)以上且身心健康,品行端正的非中国籍公民。

2. 遵守中国政府法律和学校规章制度,尊重中国风俗习惯,学生成绩优异。
3. 学历及年龄要求:
● 进修学习者,须具高中或及其以上学历,年龄不超过 50 岁。
● 攻读本科学位者,须具高中以上学历,年龄不超过 25 岁。
● 攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过 35 岁。
● 攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过 40 岁。

I. Eligibility

1. Foreign citizens, aged 18 or above (by September 1, 2020) and ability to perform successfully in an academic program in a foreign country.
2. Commitment to adhere to Chinese laws and University regulations. Record of academic excellence. 3.The applicant must be:
● A high school degree holder or above and no more than 50 when applying for the non-degree programs.
● A high school graduate and no more than 25 when applying for the undergraduate programs.
● A undergraduate degree holder and no more than 35 when applying for the master degree programs.
● A master degree holder and no more than 40 when applying for the doctoral programs.


湖南师范大学每学年分为春、秋季两个学期。2020 年秋季学期为 9 月至次年 1 月;2021 年春季学期为 2021 年 3 月至 7 月。

1. 非学历生(进修生)
学习期限为 1 学期至 1 学年。春季学期和秋季学期均可开班,各专业均可招收进修生。
2. 学历生
● 本科生(学制 4-5 年)专业目录:见附件 1
● 硕、博士研究生(学制 2-3 年)专业目录:见附件 2

II. Application Categories and Majors

One academic year comprise a fall semester and a spring semester. Fall semester is from September 2020 to January 2021.
Spring semester is from March 2021 to July 2021.

1. Non-degree students (Language students)

Length of this program is one semester or one academic year.

2. Degree students

● Undergraduate programs ( 4 -5years)
For information on undergraduate programs, please refer to attachment 1.
● Master degree and doctoral programs ( 2-3 years)
For information on master degree and doctoral programs, please refer to attachment 2. All degree programs only be commenced in Fall semester.


1. 申请截止时间:

2020 年秋季学期申请截止时间:2020 年 6 月 15 日
2021 年春季学期申请截止时间:2020 年 11 月 30 日
2. 申请程序:
申请者请登录网站 http://www.studyinhnnu.cucas.cn/进行网上申请。无需邮寄纸质材料。
经我校审核录取的人员,我校将向其邮寄录取通知书、JW202/JW201 表和相关报到材料,被录取者持普通护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202/JW201 表)、《外国人体格检查表》、《血液化验报告》等前往中国驻外使(领)馆办理来华学习(X)签证,并持上述材料,按录取通知书上规定的时间前来我校国际交流合作处办理入学报到手续。
3. 申请资料:
(1) 个人普通护照信息页复印件。
(2) 经过公证的最高学历证明和学习成绩单(在校生需提供在校证明和成绩单)。
(3) 《外国人体格检查表》复印件和血液检查报告单。申请人应严格按照
《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效。检查结果有效期为 6 个月。
(4) 无犯罪记录证明(汉语或英语版)。
(5) 来华学习和研究计划 (仅学历生申请者提供)。
(6) 两名教授或副教授的推荐信(仅研究生申请者提供)。
(7) 经济条件证明(自费申请者提供)。提供足以支付在中国留学的学、住、生活等担保证明,同时提交经费担保人的工作或收入证明及护照复印件。
(8) 申请汉语授课本科专业的人员须提供 HSK4 及以上证书;申请硕、博士汉语授课专业的人员须提供 HSK5 及以上证书。
(9) 来自英语非母语国家、申请英语授课专业的人员须提供雅思 6.0 分或
托福 85 分及以上成绩。
(10) 如有其它可以证明申请者学业能力和综合素质的文件,可在申请时一并提交。


III. Application Process

1. Application deadline time:

● The deadline for 2020 fall semester is on June 15, 2020
● The deadline for 2021 spring semester is on November 30, 2020

2. Admission procedure

Step1: Please visit http://www.studyinhnnu.cucas.cn/ to finish the online application. Do NOT mail hard copies. Step2: The formal Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202/201) will be sent to admitted applicants. Admitted applicants should bring passport, Admission letter, Visa Application Form (JW202/201), Physical Examination Record Form as well as Blood Test Record, etc. to the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate and apply for a student visa (X visa).
Step3: Students shall register at Hunan Normal University on time as scheduled on the admission letter.

3. Application paperwork:

a). A copy of the passport information page.
b). Notarized highest diploma and official transcript.
(The prospective diploma recipients shall submit official documents issued by your current school to prove your current student status and expected graduation date .The official diploma must be provided at registration).
c. Foreigner physical examination form (photocopy) and copies of blood test reports.
(The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered as invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule as the result is valid for only 6 months).
d). Verification of no criminal record. (In Chinese or English).
e). Specific study or research plan in a Chinese university.(Required for the master degree and doctoral applicants).
f). Two letters of recommendation from professors. (Required for the master degree and doctoral applicants).
g). Financial support statement.
(Required for the self-supported applicants. The supporter’s work or income certificate and ID information. Income verification and passport information. Proof of sufficient income to cover the costs of living and study in China).
h). Chinese proficiency certificate .(Required for Chinese teaching programs).
HSK4 certificate or above for undergraduate applicants ; HSK5 certificate or above for master degree and doctoral
i). English proficiency certificate. (Required for English teaching programs).
Applicants whose official language is not English, shall provide at least IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL with score of 85.
Further documentation of the applicant's academic ability and comprehensive quality can be submitted with the documents listed above.
Other supplementary materials may be requested, No application documents will be returned.


申请费:500 元/人 保险费:400 元/一学期, 800 元/一学年

住宿费:国际学生公寓双人间 600 元/月/人,四人间 300 元/月/人,水电费自
理;校外租房约 1500 元/单人间学费标准:人民币/学年/人

学生类别 学费标准 学生类别 学费标准
汉语言课程 8500 元/一学期
17,000 元/一学年
本 科 生
文科 18,000 元/一学年  
本 科 生
文科 23,000 元/一学年
理科 20,000 元/一学年 理科 26,000 元/一学年
医学类 20,000 元/一学年 计算机科学 20,000 元/一学年
艺术、体育 26,000 元/一学年 艺术、体育 34,000 元/一学年
文科 22,000 元/一学年  
文科 24,000 元/一学年
理科 24,000 元/一学年 理科 26,000 元/一学年
医学、艺术、体育 32, 000 元/一学年 医学、艺术、体育 35,000 元/一学年

IV. Study Cost

● Application fee 500Yuan/person
● Insurance 400Yuan/semester, 800Yuan/year
● Accommodation on-campus housing double room:600Yuan per month,four-sharing room:300Yuan per
month ; off-campus single room: approximately 1500 yuan per month.
● Tuition fee: yuan/year as indicated in each program

Student Category Tuition Fee Student Category Tuition Fee
Chinese language 8500 Yuan/semester 17,000 Yuan/year    
(in Chinese)
Liberal arts 18,000 Yuan/year  
(in English)
Liberal arts 23,000Yuan/year
Science 20,000 Yuan/year Science 26,000Yuan/year
Medicine 20,000 Yuan/year Computer Science 20,000Yuan/year
Arts、Sports 26,000 Yuan/year Arts、Sports 34,000Yuan/year
(in Chinese)
Liberal arts 22,000 Yuan/year Doctor
(in Chinese)
Liberal arts 24,000Yuan/year
Science 24,000 Yuan/year Science 26,000Yuan/year
Medicine、Arts、Sports 32,000Yuan/year Medicine、Arts、Sports 35,000 Yuan/year



1. 中国政府奖学金

中国政府奖学金由国家留学基金管理委员会委资助,全额奖学金包括学费、住宿费、保险费和生活费。每年 1 月至 4 月申请者可以向中国驻他国使领馆和我校直接申请。奖学金类型为研修生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生。

2. 孔子学院奖学金



3. 湖南省留学生奖学金

湖南省政府为在湘学习优秀留学生提供此奖学金。每年 6 月至 7 月,申请者直接向我校申请。奖学金类型为本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生。
4. 湖南省“一带一路”沿线国家语言生奖学金
湖南省政府为一带一路沿线国家提供一学年汉语言学习奖学金。每年 4 月至
6 月申请者直接向我校申请,奖学金包含注册费、学费、保险费、住宿费,名额
将在 6 月份公布。
5. 湖南师范大学留学生奖学金
湖南师范大学为在校优秀留学生和新生提供奖学金。每年 5 月至 6 月申请者直接向我校申请。奖学金类型为进修生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生。获奖者根据奖项类别将获得 1000-16000 元奖学金,名额将在 6 至 7 月份公布。
6. 湖南师范大学“一流学科”国际学生奖学金
湖南师范大学为吸引优秀国际学生前来我校“一流学科”相关专业进行学历学习而设立的奖学金。奖学金支持本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生的申请,奖学金额度从 3 万元-5 万元不等。详细信息可参见此奖学金招生简章。

V. Scholarship

1. Chinese Government Scholarship:

Provided to excellent international applicants by the Chinese government, the scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodations, insurance, and living stipends. HNNU is an appointed university by the Ministry of Education to host CSC students. Applicants may apply to the Chinese Embassy in their home country or directly to HNNU for this scholarship from every January to April for researchers, language study and undergraduate, master degree and doctoral programs.
Detailed information is available at: http://www.campuschina.org/

2. Confucius Institute Scholarship:

Provided by Hanban/Headquarters of Confucius Institute, scholarship includes tuition fees, accommodations, insurance, and living stipends. HNNU is an appointed university by Hanban/Headquarters of Confucius Institute to host CIS students.
Applicants may apply to the Confucius Institute in their home country for this scholarship, for language study of one year or one semester, or the master degree in Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages.
Detailed information is available at: http://cis.chinese.cn

3. Hunan Province Scholarship for Foreign Students:

Provided by the Hunan Provincial Government to excellent international students who are studying in Hunan. Application window: every June and July, apply directly to HNNU.
Scholarship types: Undergraduate students; master degree students; doctoral students.

4. Hunan Province “Belt and Road Initiative” Scholarship:

Provided by the Hunan Provincial Government to applicants from countries lying on the land and maritime Silk Road, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand for one-year Chinese language study (non-degree).
Scholarship: it covers registration fee,tuition fees, accommodations, insurance. Application window: every April or June, apply directly to HNNU. Scholarship quota will be listed every June.

5. Hunan Normal University Scholarship for International Students:

Provided by HNNU to excellent international students or applicants. Available to language, undergraduate, master degree and doctoral students.
Winners will receive 1000-16000 yuan scholarships depending on different scholarship types. Application window: every May or June, apply directly to HNNU.
Scholarship quota will be listed every June or July.

6. Hunan Normal University “First-Class Discipline” International Students Scholarship:

Provided by HNNU to excellent international student applicants. Available to undergraduate, master degree, and doctoral degree applicants who wish to study in “First-Class Discipline” majors.
Scholarships: 30000 yuan-50000 yuan per year. Application deadline: rolling basis.
Detailed information may be found in the scholarship brochure.


国际学生招生科(227A 室) 湖南师范大学国际交流合作处

地址:中国湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山路 36 号木兰楼,邮编 410081。电话:+86-731-88872992 传真:+86-731-88872044

VI. Contacts:

International student admissions section (R227A)
Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Hunan Normal University Address: Mulan lou, 36 Lushan Road Changsha, Hunan.Postal code: 410081 Telephone: +86-731-88872992 Fax: +86-731-88872044
Email: study@hunnu.edu.cn Website: www.hunnu.edu.cn


本科专业目录 Undergraduate Programs
College of Law
Intellectual Property
College of Public Administration Ideological and Political Education Philosophy
Political and Administrative Science Sociology
Administrative Management
International College of Chinese Language&Culture
Chinese Language
College of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Technology Pharmaceutical Engineering
学前教育 特殊教育 教育技术学心理学
College of Educational Science
Studies of Pre-School Education Educational Studies of Special Needs Studies of Education Technology Psychology
Applied Psychology
College of History&Culture
Culture Industry Management
College of Tourism Tourism Management Hospitality Management
Exhibition Economy and Management
美术学院美 术 学 绘画
College of Fine Arts Research of Fine Arts Painting
Artistic Designing
Environmental Design
College of Commerce
Economics Finance
International Economics & Trade
Business Administration

会计学 Accounting
College of Life Science
Biological Science Biotechnology
College of Mathematics& Statistics Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Information and Computation Science
物联网工程通信工程 软件工程
College of Information Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
(English-teaching program is available)
Internet of Things Engineering Communication and Information Systems Software Engineering
College of Physical Education
Physical Education Sports Training
Human Kinesiology and Science
Social Sports Guidance and Management Martial Arts and Traditional Sports
俄 语 日 语 法 语 朝鲜语
College of Foreign Studies
English Russian Japanese French Korean Translation
戏剧影视文学汉语言文学 汉语国际教育
College of Chinese Literature Literature of Theatre Film & Television Chinese Literature
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages
历史文化学院历史学 College of History and Culture
College of Physics and Electronic Science
Physics Applied Physics
Electronic Information Science and Technology

新闻与传播学院 College of Journalism & Communication
新闻学 Journalism
广告学 Advertising
编辑出版学 Editing & Publishing Science
网络与新媒体 Internet and New Media
广播电视编导 Editing and Directing of Radio & Television
播音与主持艺术 Techniques of Broadcasting & Anchoring
医学院 College of Medicine
临床医学 Clinical Medicine
预防医学 Preventive Medicine
药学 Pharmaceutical Sciences
医学检验技术 Medical Inspection Technology
护理学 Nursing
音乐学院 College of Music
音乐学 Musicology
音乐表演 Music Performance
舞蹈学 Dance
工程与设计学院 College of Engineering& Design
应用电子技术教育 Applied Electronics Technology Education
机械工艺技术 Mechanical Technology
机械设计制造及其自动化 Machine Design Manufacturing and Automation
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering
工艺美术 Arts and Crafts
视觉传达设计 Visual Communication Design
服装与服饰设计 Clothing and Apparel Design
资源与环境科学学院 College of Resource&Environmental Science
地理科学 Geography
地理信息科学 Geographical Information Science
土地资源管理 Land Resource Management
人文地理与城乡规划 Human Geography & Urban and Rural Planning


学术型硕士研究生专业目录(3 学年)
Academic Master Degree Programs (3 years )
001 法学院 College of Law
030101 法学理论 Law Jurisprudence
030102 法律史 Law history
030103 宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
030104 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence
030105 民商法学 Civil Law
030106 诉讼法学 Litigation Law
030107 经济法学 Economical Law
030108 环境与资源保护法学 Resources and Environmental Protection Law
030109 国际法学 International law
002 公共管理学院
College of Public Administration
010100 哲学 Philosophy
030200 政治学 Political Science
030300 社会学 Sociology
003 商学院  
College of Commerce
020100 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics
020200 应用经济学 Applied Economics
120200 工商管理 Business Administration
004 文学院 College of Chinese Literature
040102 课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
050101 文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art
050102 语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
050103 汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology
050104 中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text
050105 中国古代文学 Chinese Ancient Literature
050106 中国现当代文学 Chinese Modern & Contemporary Literature
050108 比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature & World Literature Writing
0501Z1 写作学 Grammatology
0501Z2 对外汉语
130400 现代汉字书法
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Modern Chinese calligraphy
005 历史文化学院 College of History&Culture
040102 课程与教学论 Curriculum & Methodology(History)
060200 中国史 Chinese History
060300 世界史 World History
1202J1 文化产业管理 Cultural Industry Management

006 新闻与传播学院 College of Journalism & Communication
050300(01) 新闻学 Journalism
050300(02) 传播学 Communication
050300(03) 广告学 Advertising
050300(04) 影视传播 Movie and TV communication
050300(05) 新媒体传播 New Media Communication
050300(06) 编辑出版学 Editing and Publishing
007 旅游学院 College of Tourism
0705J2 旅游地理学 Tourism Geography
120203 旅游管理 Tourism Management
1202Z1 饭店管理 1Hospitality Management
008 外国语学院 College of Foreign Studies
040102 英语课程与教学论 English Curriculum & Methodology
050200(01) 英语语言文学 English Language & Literature
050200(02) 外国语言学及应用语言学 Foreign Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
050200(03) 翻译学 Translation
050200(04) 比较文学与跨文化研究 Comparative Literature and Intercultural Study
050200(05) 国别与区域研究 Country and regional studies
050200(06) 俄语语言文学 Russian Language & Literature
050200(07) 日语语言文学 Japanese Language & Literature
050200(08) 亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language & Literature
050200(09) 法语语言文学 French Language & Literature
050200(10) 德语语言文学 German Language & Literature
009 教育科学学院 College of Educational Science
040100 教育学 Education Science
040101 教育学原理 Principles of Education
040102 课程与教学论 Curriculum & Methodology
040103 教育史 History of Education
040104 比较教育学 Studies of Comparative Education
040105 学前教育学 Pre-school Education
040106 高等教育学 Higher Education
040108 职业技术教育学 Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques
0401Z1 少年儿童组织和思想意识教育 Children's Organizations & Ideological Education
077100 心理学 Psychology
078401 教育技术学 Studies of Education Technology
010 数学与统计学院 College of Mathematics& Statistics
040102 课程与教学论 Mathematics Curriculum & Methodology
070100 数学 Mathematics
071400 统计学 Statistics

011 物理与电子科学学院 College of Physics and Electronic Science
040102 课程与教学论 Physics Curriculum & Methodology
070200 物理学 Physics
070400 天文学 Astronomy
080900 电子科学与技术 Electronic Science and Technology
012 化学化工学院  
College of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering
040102 课程与教学论 Curriculum & Methodology(Chemistry)
070300 化学 Chemistry
081700 化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology
100704 药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis
013 资源与环境科学学院 College of Resource&Environmental Science
070500(01) 自然地理学 Physical Geography
070500(02) 人文地理学 Human Geography
070500(03) 地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System
070500(04) 国土资源利用与管理 Utilization and management of land and resources
014 生命科学学院 College of Life Science
040102 课程与教学论(生物学) Biology Curriculum & Methodology
071001 植物学 Botany
071002 动物学 Zoology
071003 生理学 Physiology
071005 微生物学 Microbiology
071007 遗传学 Genetics
071008 发育生物学 Developmental Biology
071009 细胞生物学 Cell Biology
071010 生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecule Biology
015 体育学院 College of Physical Education
040301 体育人文社会学 Human and Sociological Science of Sports
040302 运动人体科学 Human Kinesiology and Science
040303 体育教育训练学 Physical Education and Sports Coaching
040304 民族传统体育学 Traditional Chinese Sports
016 音乐学院 College of Music
130200(01) 音乐教育 Music Education
130200(02) 中国音乐史论 Chinese Music History
130200(03) 西方音乐史论 Western Music History
130200(04) 作曲技术理论 Technical theory of composition
130200(05) 民族音乐学 National Music
017 美术学院 College of Fine Arts
040102 课程与教学论 Fine Arts Curriculum & Methodology
130400 美术学 Fine Arts
130500 设计学 Design

018 工程与设计学院
040108 职业技术教育学
080900 电子科学与技术
130400 美术学
130500 设计学
College of Engineering& Design Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques Electronic Science and Technology
Fine Arts
019 医学院
071003 生理学
100101 人体解剖与组织胚胎学
100102 免疫学
100103 病原生物学
100104 病理学与病理生理学
100400 公共卫生与预防医学
100701 药物化学
100702 药剂学
100704 药物分析学
100706 药理学
College of Medicine
Human Anatomy Histology & Embryology Immunology
Pathogens Biology
Pathology and Pathophysiology
Public Sanitation and Preventive Medicine Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical Analysis
022 国际汉语文化学院
0501Z2 对外汉语
International College of Chinese Language&Culture
Master of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language
027 马克思主义学院
030500 马克思主义理论
College of Marxism
Marxist Theory
029 信息科学与工程学院
080900 电子科学与技术
081200 计算机科学与技术
083500 软件工程
College of Information Science and Engineering
Electronic Science and Technology Computer Science and Technology Software Engineering
030 附属光琇医院(湖南光琇医院)
071007 遗传学
071008 发育生物学
Affiliated Guang Xiu Hospital (Hunan Guang Xiu Hospital) Genetics
Developmental Biology

专业型研究生目录(2-3 学年) Professional Master Degree Programs (2 -3years )
001 法学院
035101 法律(非法学)
035102 法律(法学)
College of Law
Law(Require bachelor degree in Law) Law
002 公共管理学院
035200 社会工作
045102 教育-学科教学(思政)
125200 公共管理
College of Public Administration
Social Work
Subject Teaching(Ideological and Political Education) Public Administration
003 商学院
025100 金融
125100 工商管理
125300 会计
College of Commerce
Business Administration Accounting
004 文学院
045103 教育-学科教学(语文)
045300 汉语国际教育
135104 艺术(电影)
College of Chinese Literature
Subject Teaching(Chinese)
Master of Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of Other Languages
005 历史文化学院
045109 教育-学科教学(历史)
065100 文物与博物馆
College of History&Culture
Subject teaching(History) Heritage and museums
006 新闻与传播学院
055200 新闻与传播
055300 出版
135105 广播电视
College of Journalism & Communication
Journalism & Communication Publication
Radio and Television
007 旅游学院
045120 教育-职业技术教育(旅游服务)
125400 旅游管理
College of Tourism
Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques(Tourism Service)
Tourism Management
008 外国语学院
045108 教育-学科教学(英语)
055101 英语笔译
055102 英语口译
College of Foreign Studies English Subject Teaching English Translation
English Interpretation
009 教育科学学院
045101 教育管理
045114 现代教育技术
045115 小学教育
045116 心理健康教育
045117 科学与技术教育
045118 学前教育
045119 特殊教育
045400 应用心理
College of Educational Science
Education Management
Modern Educational Technology Elementary Education
Mental Health Education
Science and Technology Education Studies of Pre-school Education Educational Studies of Special Needs Applied Psychology

010 数学与统计学院
025200 应用统计
045104 教育-学科教学(数学)
College of Mathematics& Statistics
Applied Statistics
Subject Teaching (Mathematics)
011 物理与电子科学学院
045105 教育-学科教学(物理)
085400 电子信息
College of Physics and Electronic Science
Subject Teaching(Physics) Electronic Information
012 化学化工学院
045106 教育-学科教学(化学)
085600 材料与化工
College of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering
Subject Teaching(Chemistry) Materials and Chemical Engineering
013 资源与环境科学学院
045110 教育-学科教学(地理)
College of Resource&Environmental Science
Subject Teaching(Geography)
014 生命科学学院
045107 教育-学科教学(生物)
086000 生物工程
College of Life Science
Subject Teaching(Biology) Biological Engineering
015 体育学院
045201 教育-体育教学
045202 运动训练
College of Sports Subject Teaching(Sports) Sports Training
016 音乐学院
045111 教育-学科教学(音乐)
135101 音乐
135106 舞蹈
College of Music Subject Teaching(Music) Music
017 美术学院
045113 教育-学科教学(美术)
135107 美术
135108 艺术设计
College of Fine Arts Subject Teaching(Fine Arts) Fine Arts
Artistic Designing
018 工程与设计学院
045120 职业技术教育
085400 机械
085500 电子信息
135108 艺术设计
College of Engineering& Design Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques Machinery
Electronic Information
Art Design
019 医学院
105300 护理
105400 公共卫生
College of Medicine
Public Sanitation
020 附属一医院
105101 内科学
105102 儿科学
105103 老年医学
105104 神经病学
105106 皮肤病与性病学
105107 影像医学与核医学
Affiliated NO.1 Hospital Internal Medicine Pediatrics
Geriatrics Neurology
Dermatology and Venereology
Imaging medicine and nuclear medicine

105108 临床检验诊断学
105109 外科学
105110 妇产科学
105111 眼科学
105112 耳鼻咽喉科学
105113 肿瘤学
105114 康复医学与理疗学
105116 麻醉学
105117 急诊医学
105127 全科医学
105128 临床病理学
105400 护理
Clinical Diagnostics Surgery
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ophthalmology
Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine) Oncology
Rehabilitation Medicine Anesthesiology Emergency medicine General medicine Clinicopathology
023 附属三医院
105101 内科学
Affiliated NO.3 Hospital
Internal Medicine
024 附属长沙医院(长沙市第四医院)
105112 耳鼻咽喉科学
Affiliated Changsha Hospital(Changsha No.4 Hospital)
Otorhinolaryngology (ear-nose-throat medicine)
026 附属张家界医院
105127 全科医学
Affiliated ZhangJiaJie Hospital
General Medicine
028 附属岳阳医院
105101 内科学
105109 外科学
Affiliated YueYang Hospital
Internal Medicine Surgery

博士专业目录 Doctoral Degree Programs ( 3years)
001 法学院
030103 宪法学与行政法学
030105 民商法学
030108 环境与资源保护法学
030109 国际法学
College of Law
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Civil Law
Environmental & Resources Protection Law
International law
002 公共管理学院
010101 马克思主义哲学
010103 外国哲学
010105 伦理学
010108 科学技术哲学
030201 政治学理论
030203 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动
030204 中共党史
030205 思想政治教育
College of Public Administration
Marx's Philosophy Foreign Philosophy Ethics
Philosophy of Science & Technology Political Theory
Scientific Socialism & International Communism Movement History of the Chinese Communist Party
Ideological and Political Education
003 商学院
020100(01) 政治经济学
020100(02) 经济史
020100(03) 西方经济学
020100(04) 世界经济
College of Commerce Political Economy Economic History Western Economics
World Economy
004 文学院
020100 文艺学
050101 汉语言文字学
050103 中国古典文献学
050105 中国古代文学
050106 中国现当代文学
College of Chinese Literature Theory of Literature and Art Chinese Philology
Study of Chinese Classical Text Chinese Ancient Literature
Chinese Modern & Contemporary Literature
005 历史文化学院
060200 中国史
College of History&Culture
Chinese History
006 新闻与传播学院
050300(01) 新闻学
050300(02) 传播学
050300(03) 新媒体传播
050300(04) 编辑出版学
College of Journalism & Communication
Journalism Communication
New Media Communication
Editing and Publishing
008 外国语学院
050200(01) 英语语言文学
050200(02) 外国语言学及应用语言学
050200(03) 翻译学
050200(04) 比较文学与跨文化研究
050200(05) 国别与区域研究
College of Foreign Studies
English Language & Literature
Foreign Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Translatology
Comparative Literature &Cross-cultural Studies
Country and Regional Studies

009 教育科学学院
040101 教育学原理
040102 课程与教学论
040105 学前教育学
040106 高等教育学
040108 职业技术教育学
040200 心理学
College of Educational Science Principles of Education Curriculum & Methodology
Pre-school Education Higher Education
Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques
010 数学与计算机科学学院
070100 数学
071400 统计学
College of Mathematics& Computer Science
Mathematics Statistics
011 物理与信息科学学院
070200 物理学
College of Physics and Information Science
012 化学化工学院
070300(01) 无机化学
070300(02) 分析化学
070300(03) 有机化学
College of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering
Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry
013 资源与环境科学学院
070501 自然地理学
070502 人文地理学
070503 地图学与地理信息系统
College of Resource&Environmental Science
Physical Geography Human Geography
Cartology and Geography Information System
014 生命科学学院
071001 植物学
071003 生理学
071005 微生物学
071007 遗传学
071008 发育生物学
071009 细胞生物学
071010 生物化学与分子生物学
071000(01) 植物生态学
071000(02) 动物生态学
071000(03) 生理生态学
College of Life Science
Botany Physiology Microbiology Genetics
Developmental Biology Cell Biology
Biochemistry and Molecule Biology Phytoecology
Zooecology Physiological Ecology
015 体育学院
040303 体育教育训练学
040304 民族传统体育学
College of Physical Education
Physical Education and Sports Coaching Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports
016 音乐学院
130200 音乐与舞蹈学
College of Music
Music and Dance
017 美术学院
130400 美术学
College of Fine Arts
Fine Arts
019 医学院
071003 生理学
College of Medicine
027 马克思主义学院
030500(01) 马克思主义中国化研究
College of Marxism
Study of the Sinofication of Marxism



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