
发布时间:2021-11-22 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


河南农业大学植物保护学院导师:申順善 正文

申順善 ,1966年4月生,吉林龙井人。教授、博士、硕士生导师。1988年毕业于沈阳农学院植保专业获农学学士学位,2001年获韩国国立庆尚大学农学硕士学位;2004年获韩国国立庆尚大学农学博士学位,2004年至2005年在韩国国立庆尚大学生命科学研究院做博士后研究,现为河南农业大学植物保护学院教授,省重点学科植物病理学第二学术带头人,河南省植物病理学会理事,主要从事植物病理学教学和科研工作。2006年被评为河南省教育厅学术技术带头人和河南省青年骨干教师,2009年和2010年分别聘为河南省第一批和第二批科技特派员,2009年和2011年分别被评为河南农业大学第二届和第四届大学生实验创新技术计划项目优秀指导教师。先后主持和承担了10多项国际合作、国家和省部级科研项目,在国内外学术期刊及学术会议共发表30多篇学术论文,其中SCI收录论文12篇,授权国际专利1项。讲授博士生、硕士生和本科生6门课程。

主要的研究领域 Major Research Areas

主要授权专利 Major licensed patents
Shen S S,Park C S.Serratia plymuthica A21-4,biological control method of Phytophthora diseases using the A21-4 and antifungal compound produced by the A21-4.韩国发明专利,授权号:10-0754836(2007年2月授权);

主要学术论文 Major publications
1.Shen S S,Kim J W and Park C S.Serratia plymuthica strain A21-4,A potential biocontrol agent against Phytophthora blight of pepper.Plant Pathol.J.,2002,18(3):138-141.
2.Shen S S,Choi O H,Lee S M and Park C S.In vitro and in vivo activities of a biocontrol agent,Serratia plymuthica A21-4,against Phytopththora capsici.Plant Pathol.J.,2002,18(4): 221-224.
3.Kwon J H,Shen S S and Park C S.Sclerotinia rot on water cress (Oenanthe javanica) caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.Res.Plant Dis.,2003,9(2): 85-88.
4.Kwon J H,Shen S S and Park C S.Stem rot of eggplant (Solanum melongena) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.The korean journal of mycology,2003,31(2):117-119
5.Kwon J H,Shen S S and Park C S.Stem rot of strawberry caused by Sclerotium rolfssii in korea.Plant Pathol.J.,2004,20(2):103-105.
6.Kwon J H,Jee H J and Shen S S.Phytophthora rot on sword bean caused by Phytophthora nicotianae.Plant Pathol.J.,2004,20(4):235-239.
7.Shen S S,Choi O H,Park S H,Kim C G and Park C S.Root colonizing and biocontrol competency of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 against Phytophthora blight of pepper.Plant Pathol.J.,2005,21(1):64-67.
8.Shen S S,Park S H and Park C S.Enhancing of biocontrol efficacy of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 to Phytophthora blight of pepper by improvement of inoculation buffer solution.Plant Pathol.J.,2005,21(1),68-72.
9.Shen S S,Kim W I and Park C S.Effect of hydrogel on survial of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in soils and plant disease suppression.Plant Pathol.J.,2006,22(4):364-368.
10.Shen S S,Piao F Z,Lee B W and Park C S.2007.Characterization of antibiotic substance produced by Serratia plymuthica A21-4 and the biological control activity against pepper Phytophthora blight.Plant Pathol.J.,23(3):180-186.
11.Kwon J H,Jee H J,Shen S.S.and Chae Y S.Phytophthora rot of broad bean (Vicia faba) caused by Phytophthora nicotianae in korea.Plant Pathol.J.2007,23(1):31-33.
12.Kwon J H,Shen S.S.,Chae Y S and Park C S.Occurrence of fruit rot of pumpkin caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.Res.Plant Dis.2007,13(1):53-56.
13.Lee J H ,Shen S S,Park Y J,et al.Evaluation of hot water treatment for disinfection of vegetable seeds for organic farming.Res.Plant Dis 2007,13(3):157-163.
14.Kwon J H,Shen S S and Jee H J.Occurrence of blue mold on tomato caused by Penicillium oxalicum in korea.Plant Pathol.J.,2008,24(1):87-89.
15.Jee H J,Rye K Y,Shun-Shan Shen,et al.Effect of COY(Cooking Oil Yolk mixture) and ACF (Air-circulation Fan) on control of powdery mildew and production of organic lettuce.Res.Plant Dis.,2008,14(1):51-56.
16.Shen S S,Kim W I,Ryu K Y,et al.Increment of population and antifungal activity of a multifunctional biological agent of Bacillus subtilis R2-1 by using organic fertilizer.Plant Pathol.J.,2008,24(2):241.
17.Cao P,Shen S S*.,Wen C Y,Song S and Park C S.The effect of the colonization of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 in rhizosphere soil and root of pepper in different soil environment.Res.Plant Dis.,2009,15(2):101-105.
18.Jee H J.,Shen S S,Lee J H,et al.Conidial disperse of the pepper anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum acutatum and its density on infected fruits.Res.Plant Dis.,2010,16(1):101-105.
19.Zhang L J,Shi H Z,Wang J J,Chang S X.and Shen S S*.Selection of biocontrol agents against Phytophthora blight of pepper and its root colonization ability.Res.Plant Dis.,2010,16(2):158-162.
20.Kwon J H ,Shen S S and Kim J W.Occurrence of pink mold rot of strawberry caused by Trichothecium roseum in korea.Plant Pathol.J.,2010,26(3):296
22.Wen C Y,Yin Z G,Chen J G and Shen S S*.Purification and structural analysis of surfactin produced by endophytic Bacillus subtilis EBS05 from Cinnamomum camphora and its antagonistic activity against Rhizoctonia cerealis.Plant Pathol.J.,2011,27(4):342-348.

近期主持和承担的主要科研项目 Major Research Projects Recently
10.辣椒疫病生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4防病机理研究,河南农业大学科技创新基金项目,2007-2009
11.生防菌Serratia plymuthica A21-4根际定殖机理及其相关基因克隆,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2008-2010


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