
发布时间:2019-08-23 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


北京建筑大学研究生导师介绍:席云平 正文

科罗拉多大学是美国著名研究类型大学, 有数位诺贝尔奖获得者.其结构工程在世界上有很高的声誉。 席云平是目前该学科大陆旅美华人最活跃的学者之一。 历任美国土木工程师协会工程力学分会材料性能委员会主席(2003.10 – 2006.10),美国科罗拉多大学土木环境及建筑工程系结构实验室主任 ,美国科罗拉多州公路系统技术协助中心主任,美国土木工程师协会《工程力学》杂志副主编 (2003.10 - 2006.10),国际性杂志《计算机在混凝土中的应用》编委会委员 ,国际性杂志《混凝土科学和工程》(RILEM)编委会委员,美国国家科研基金会科罗拉多大学地震研究中心(NSF NEES center at Univ. of Colorado at Boulder) 顾问委员会委员,国际混凝土徐变协会指导委员会委员, 科罗拉多大学土木环境及建筑工程系执行委员会(executive committee ) 委员 ,科罗拉多大学工学院科研委员会委员,科罗拉多大学结构工程及结构力学教研室负责人 (2002-2003),科罗拉多大学土木环境及建筑工程系教学大纲编委会委员 (1999-2001)。
主要研究方向:建筑材料长期耐久性的理论分析和试验、结构长期性能的监测和模拟、发展新型混凝土, 新型耐火高强混凝土材料, 废弃物的循环应用。自1993年在美任教以来,已主持完成了70余项科研项目,总计经费六百余万美元.
Koller, R., Chang, S.Y., and Xi, Y. (2007) “Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars under Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Different Loading Rates”, Journal of Composite Materials, 41(1), 5-25.
Suwito, A., Ababneh, A., Xi, Y., and Willam, K. (2006) “The Coupling Effect of Drying Shrinkage and Moisture Diffusion in Concrete”, Computers & Concrete, 3(2-3), 103-122.
Suwito, X.-C. Cai, and Y. Xi (2006) “Parallel Finite Element Method for Coupled Chloride Penetration and Moisture Diffusion in Concrete”, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 3(4), 481-503.
Xi, Y., Eskandari-Ghadi, M., Suwito, and Sture. S. (2006) “A Damage Theory Based on Composite Mechanics”, J. of Eng. Mech., ASCE, 132(11), 1-10.
Li, Y., and Xi, Y. (2006) “Study on the Properties of Portland Cement Mortar and Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber Aggregate”, Concrete, 200, 45-48 (in Chinese).
Li, Y., Lee, J.S., and Xi, Y. (2005) "Study on Sulfur Rubber Concrete", J. of Building Materials, 8(4), 368-372 (in Chinese).
Xi, Y. and Nakhi, A. (2005) “Composite Damage Models for Diffusivity of Distressed Materials”, J. of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, May/June, 17(3), 286-295.
Willam, K., Rhee, I., and Xi, Y. (2005) “Thermal Degradation in Heterogeneous Concrete Materials”, J. of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, May/June, 17(3), 276-285.
Asiz, A., Zhang, W., and Xi, Y. (2003) “Analysis of Aging of Piezoelectric Crystal Resonators”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric, and Frequency Control (IEEE-UFFC), 50(12), 1647- 1655.
Roh, Y.S., Asiz, A., Zhang, W.P., and Xi, Y. (2003) “Experimental Study and Theoretical Prediction of Aging Induced Frequency Shift of Crystal Resonators and Oscillators”, Microelectronics Reliability, 43(12), 1993-2000.
Xie, Z.H., Wen, X., and Xi, Y. (2003) “ASR Potentials of Glass Aggregates in Water-Glass Activated Fly Ash and Portland Cement Mortars”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 15(1), 67-74.
Ababneh, A., Farid Benboudjema, and Xi, Y. (2003) “Chloride Penetration in Non-Saturated Concrete”, J. of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 15(2), 183-191.
Xie, Z.H., and Xi, Y. (2002) “Use of Recycled Glass as a Raw Material in the Manufacture of Portland Cement”, Materials and Structures, RILEM, Sept. – Oct., 510-515.
Ababneh, A., and Xi, Y. (2002) “An Experimental Study on the Effect of Chloride Penetration on Moisture Diffusion in concrete”, Materials and Structures, RILEM, 35(254), 659-664.
Suwito, A., Jin, W., Xi, Y., and Meyer, C. (2002) "A Mathematical Model for the Pessimum Effect of ASR in Concrete", Concrete Science and Engineering, RILEM, 4, 23-34.


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